Windows Menu

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Windows Menu

The window menu provides access to supporting utilities. Each of these windows can be active simultaneously, but overall response time will decrease depending on the number of open windows.

The Coordinate Info option creates a window that displays meaningful values among GCI, latitude, longitude, altitude, right ascension, declination, and solar zenith angles associated with the current pixel.

The File Info option creates a window listing the global attributes of the VIS CDF file.

The LR Mapping Correction option creates a window that displays an active Low Resolution image in its original orientation. Mirror angles may be adjusted for better map placement. The elevation angle increases from right to left and the azimuth angle increases from top to bottom. A Save option allows corrected azimuth and elevation angles to be saved to a text file.

The Image Detail option creates a window that displays the pixel values of a region centered on the current cursor location within the active image window.

The Image Info option creates a window that displays certain variables associated with the active image. In some cases the Rotatn_Matrix variable will be overridden by the XVIS software.

The Static Image option creates a 256 by 256 graphic window that duplicates the active image. This image cannot be manipulated or filtered; it is generally useful only for saving an image to compare to another image.

The Survey option creates a window that displays a panel of 8 sequential images.

The Zoomer option creates a window that allows interactive magnification of a section of the active image.

Kenny Hunt - Thu Mar 5 14:33:48 CST 1998
updated by Rae Dvorsky - 30 Sep 2015