.ignore .AUTHORIZE .FORM # # Define thread pools and MST-based services. # .ITERATE ThreadPool $pname $qf $a2 $a3 .NEXT dsrv q_flag=1 limit=20 stack=162000 # .ITERATE Service $sname $parg $darg $iarg .NEXT dirserv pool=dsrv dynamic=(dirserv,http_dirserv_mst) info=www_system:http_directory.conf .define forceall suffix .define PPenable presentation .define PPscript %preproc: .define pdfbrenab presentation .define pdfbyterange byterange # # Authorization list for servermaint script # .FORM www_system:http_suffixes.servermaint .ITERATE .authorize $smaint_user $smaint_pwd .NEXT server maint .NEXT * # # Define common suffixes, server must properly distinguish between binary # and and ascii (8BIT) files in order to transfer them to the client. # .ITERATE suffix $sfx $rep $enc $qual #HTML and JAVA extensions .NEXT .class application/octet-stream BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .htm text/html 8BIT 0.5 .NEXT .html text/html 8BIT 0.5 .NEXT .htmlx text/htmlx 8BIT 0.5 .NEXT .htx text/htmlx 8BIT 0.5 .NEXT .imagemap application/imagemap 8BIT 1.0 .NEXT .jar application/jar BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .pac application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig 8BIT 1.0 .NEXT .js application/x-javascript 8BIT 0.5 #Known Text files .NEXT .com text/plain 8BIT 0.5 .NEXT .lis text/plain 8BIT 0.5 .NEXT .txt text/plain 8BIT 0.5 .NEXT .php text/plain 8BIT 0.5 #Graphics Extensions .NEXT .bmp image/x-MS-bmp BINARY 0.8 .NEXT .dvi application/x-dvi BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .eps application/postscript 8BIT 1.0 .NEXT .gif image/gif BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .tif image/tif BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .tiff image/tif BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .jpg image/jpeg BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .jpeg image/jpeg BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .pdf application/pdf BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .png image/png BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .ps application/postscript 8BIT 1.0 .NEXT .ps-z application/postscript BINARY/x-compress 1.0 .NEXT .wrl model/vmrl BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .xbm image/x-xbm 7BIT #Sound Extensions .NEXT .au audio/basic BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .aif audio/x-aiff BINARY 0.8 .NEXT .aifc audio/x-aiff BINARY 0.8 .NEXT .aiff audio/x-aiff BINARY 0.8 .NEXT .bleep application/bleeper 8BIT 1.0 .NEXT .mid audio/x-midi BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .midi audio/x-midi BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .ra audio/x-pn-realaudio BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .ram audio/x-pn-realaudio BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .rpm audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .snd audio/basic BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .wav audio/x-wav BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .mp3 audio/mpeg BINARY 1.0 #Movie/Video Extensions .NEXT .avi video/x-msvideo BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .mpe video/mpeg BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .mpeg video/mpeg BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .mpg video/mpeg BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .mov video/quicktime BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .moov video/quicktime BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .qt video/quicktime BINARY 1.0 #Animation Extensions .NEXT .dcr application/x-director BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .spl application/futuresplah BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .swf application/x-shockwave-flash BINARY 1.0 #Macintosh Stuffit & Macbinary Extensions .NEXT .bin application/x-macbinary BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .hqx application/mac-binhex40 BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .sit application/x-stuffit BINARY 1.0 #MS & MS Office Extensions .NEXT .cab application/octet-stream BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .doc application/vnd.ms-word BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .dot application/vnd.ms-word BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .mswd application/vnd.ms-word BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .pot application/vnd.ms-powerpoint BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .pps application/vnd.ms-powerpoint BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .ppt application/vnd.ms-powerpoint BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .ppz application/vnd.ms-powerpoint BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .rtf application/rtf 8BIT 1.0 .NEXT .word application/vnd.ms-word BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .xl application/vnd.ms-excel BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .xlb application/vnd.ms-excel BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .xlm application/vnd.ms-excel BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .xls application/vnd.ms-excel BINARY 1.0 #Corel Office Extensions .NEXT .qpw application/quattropro BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .wpd application/wordperfect BINARY 1.0 #OpenVMS Specific Extensions .NEXT .bck application/VMSBACKUP BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .exe vms/exe BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .hlb vms/help BINARY .NEXT .hlp text/plain 8BIT 1.0 .NEXT .mlb vms/mlb BINARY .NEXT .olb vms/olb BINARY .NEXT .tlb vms/tlb BINARY .NEXT .pcsi vms/exe BINARY 1.0 #Archive Extensions .NEXT .gz application/x-zip-compressed BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .gzip application/x-zip-compressed BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .nai application/winstall BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .tar application/tar BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .tar-gz application/x-zip-compressed BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .tgz application/x-zip-compressed BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .zip application/zip BINARY 1.0 #SSL Encryption .NEXT .crt application/x-x509-ca-cert BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .pem application/x-x509-ca-cert BINARY 1.0 #Misc Extensions .NEXT .mcd application/mathcad BINARY .NEXT .mol chemical/x-mdl-molfile BINARY 1.0 .NEXT .pdb chemical/x-pdb 8BIT 1.0 # The following line forces the server to send everything. .EXPAND $forceall *.* text/plain * 0.01 # # Define converter scripts to handle special representations. Text/htmlx is # used for html files with embedded server-side commands. # Application/imagemap is content-type for mapimage.exe conf files. .EXPAND $PPenable text/htmlx $PPscript .EXPAND $pdfbrenab application/pdf $pdfbyterange .ITERATE presentation $rep $script .NEXT application/imagemap www_root:[bin]mapimage # # The server makes a special check for text/file-directory when the URL ends # in a '/' (directory URL). If no presentation defined, server will use an internal # routine to generate a HTML listing of the files in the directory. # # The presentation rule below makes the server use a special decnet object # (task WWWDIR) to perform directory browse functions. The WWWDIR object # interprets the script name (http_directory.conf) as the name of a # configuration file that defines options for the directory layout. # #presentation text/file-directory sys$node::"0=WWWDIR"www_system:http_directory.conf # # The following rules make the server use the dirserv MST to perform directory # browse functions. Note that a separate thread pool must be used because of # higher stack requirements. This rule is mutually exclusive with use of # the WWWDIR-based browser enabled by the preceding presentation rule, both use # the same http_directory.conf configuration file. # Service preproc pool=dsrv dynamic=(preproc,http_preproc_mst)\ info=www_root:[000000]accesses.dat #presentation text/htmlx %preproc: